Install xcode this will install ruby
xcode-select --install
Install brew
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
install ruby version manager
brew install rbenv ruby-build
install rails
gem install rails
install cucumber
gem install cucumber
install json_spec to enable web service tests
gem install json_spec
install capybara to help us write clean reusable tests

gem install capybara

1. Install Ruby 2.1
Download and install Ruby. For Windows, is the best option. Install the latest release of stable version – for me this was 2.1. Make sure you check the option to “Add Ruby executables to your PATH.”
2. Install Ruby Development Kit
Open a command prompt.
cd C:\
mkdir RDK
cd RDK
cd to C:\RDK\rubyinstaller-master
rake ruby21 # builds MRI 2.1.
  1. test with ruby -v and gem -v
  2. install Cukes with “gem install cucumber”
  3. install Capybara with “gem install capybara”
  4. install selenium-webdriver with  “gem install selenium-webdriver”
  5. follow this to install colours in the windows command prompt

Create a project folder with something like “TestCukes”  eg.

  1. mkdir projects\test-cukes
  2. cd  projects\test-cukes
  3. cucumber

I got this error cannot load such file — nokogiri/nokogiri (LoadError)

I had to:

  1. uninstall nokogiri gem
  2. gem uninstall nokogiri
  3. Download nokogiri
  4. Install gem locally (※below path may differ according to your downloaded nokogiri- path)
  5. gem install –local C:\Users\$user$\Downloads\nokogiri-